
1.    The Following Courses are run by the USI of India Centre for Courses:-

a)       USI Online Comd Pre - Staff Course (OPSC) : ARMY.  To impart requisite knowledge in designated subjects and enable candidates to carry out detail professional studies to help in the competitive entrance exam for DSSC/DSTSC.



b)      USI DSSC Corres Course .  The aim of the USI Corres Courses is to assist service offrs to prepare for the selected exam, in a systematic and comprehensive manner, incl writing prac throughout the year by interactive guidance and corrections. The corres courses are essentially in the nature of revision courses and therefore, pre-suppose a certain degree of study on the part of officers as applicable including Comd Pre-Staff Courses (CPSC).

c)      USI DSSC Contact Pgme (CP).  To appear in a Mock Test which gives writing prac to student offrs in real time exam conditions and incl Guidance & Syndicate Discussions. The CP is very imp and popular since it gives a good writing prac and helps attempt the Question Papers of each subject ie. TAC A, TAC B, ADM & LAW, SMT, MH and CA in actual exam mode.


d)     USI Courses For DSSC Entrance Exam : IAF.  The offrs of the IAF appearing for the DSSC Competitive Exam being held by IAF are welcome to join the USI Courses offline /online for the two subjects of Current Affairs - National Security - Geo-Politics (CA) and Mil History & Emp of Air Power ( MH).


e)      USI Courses For PME / DSSC: Indian Navy.  USI of India conducts Corres Course for Indian Navy offrs for their PME/DSSC Exam.


f)       USI Corres Course For Part B And Part D Promotion Exam.  To impart requisite knowledge and enable offrs to prep for Part B and Part D promotion exams. 


Adm Instrs

2. Enrolment


a)      Enrolment to the USI OPSC/ Correspondence Course/Contact Programme DSSC is open to all eligible service officers at any time during the currency of the respective course. 


b)      As mentioned earlier, Membership of USI of India is a mandatory pre-requisite to joining any USI Course. Details of membership fees are as under-


c)      Service officers can become Ordinary/Life/Course members of the USI by applying on the requisite application form which is available in the ‘Course vertical’ on the website furnishing proof of identity and paying the necessary subscription as follows: -

Subscription Rates and other Details

3.     Life Membership (Valid for 20 Years from Date of Membership)

                                                    INITIAL PAYMENT    RENEWAL     ELIGIBILTY


Armed Forces Officers                   Rs. 14000/-            Rs. 10000    

                                                           (Entrance fee of

                                                            Rs. 4000/- included

                                                             in initial payment)



4.    Ordinary Membership (For 03 years commencing 01 Jan)



Armed Forces Officers                       Rs. 5000/-               Rs. 4000    

                                                            (Entrance fee of

                                                             Rs. 1000/- included

                                                             in initial payment)


5.               Course Membership                                   Rs. 1500/-       -    Serving Army, Navy, IAF Officers only

             (Valid for 365 days from                                                                                   

Registration or One Course        



(Note – Facilities for Life and Ordinary members are the same. Grace pd of two months upto 28/29 Feb is allowed for renewal at the prevailing rate. Thereafter, entrance fee is to be paid again. No notice is sent for renewal.  For conversion from Ordinary to Life Membership, only the entrance fee portion will be adjusted. 

 6. Existing USI members desirous of joining a course, may apply to the Director Courses, USI of   India, enclosing the necessary tuition/exam fees along with the following details :-

(a)           USI membership number.

(b)          Service number.

(c)           Rank.

(d)          Name.

(e)          Unit and parent arm/service.

(f)           Address on which the course material is required to be sent.

(g)          No of Subject(s) indicating the course and year of examination.


      (h)    Email address and mob phone number.


7.         In addition to membership subscription, the officers are required to remit the applicable tuition fee for the course and postal charges. The complete amount is to be remitted in advance along with the completed Membership Form.


8.         Applicants should clearly indicate in their Application Form whether they want to join the complete course or specific applicable subject (s) only. 



9.         In case it is desired to pay the fees and/or collect the material through a rep, the bearer should be given an authority letter by the officer concerned indicating the individual’s particulars and the particular course/subjects asked for.


10.       The dispatch of study material will commence as per schedule or immediately on receipt of the a/m document and requisite payment of fees (as applicable).

Course Membership


11. Course Membership of one year was introduced with effect from 01 Oct 2014.  The conditions of this membership will be as:-


(a) Membership will commence on the date amount is deposited and will end 365 days later.  Course membership is not renewable and is applicable for one course i.e.. DSSC/Pt D /Pt B only (includes three DSSC Formats for Army i.e.. OPSC/Correspondence/CP & two Formats for IAF i.e.. OPSC – CA & Correspondence for CA & MH and PME/DSSC for Navy in the same year).

(b)  Only those Armed Forces Officers will be eligible who are joining a course (Part - B, D, DSSC, DSTSC, PME Navy or DSSC Air Force) in part or for all subjects, if not already a Life/Ordinary member.

(c)  Membership fee of Rs 1500/- is in addition to the course fee & dispatch mode fees.

(d)  The Journal will not be supplied (as its applicable for Life and Ordinary Members) and such members will not have voting rights at USI too, as its applicable to Life Members only.

(e)               Other privileges like the use of Library, attending talks and concessions in Restaurant/Residency will be entitled.

(f)                In case an officer desires to renew the membership to join a course, he has to pay the full Course Membership Fees again.

(g)               The rates are liable to be revised at the discretion of the Institution.

(h)               USI course Membership No will comprise four figures preceded by letters CM and suffixed with period in brackets, eg, CM/0001 (upto 30 Sep 25).

12.     Membership Form for this membership is available on the USI website The complete process for membership and registration can be done on the internet and the officer need not get involved in paper correspondence.

Regn Process

13. Regn Process.  The regn process has been made very simple and user friendly. The process stands reduced to only two emails to Dir Courses, USI of India. It is emphasised, membership of USI of India is a mandatory pre-requisite to joining any USI Course. The process is as under:-

          (a)   Non – Member.

(i)            Open USI website Download Membership Form available on website or see Appx B.


(ii)        Regn for OPSC for 2025 opened wef 07 Oct 2024.  Register immediately to get the dates of your choice.  Please indicate which OPSC-25 capsule you wish to attend out of 05 OPSCs.  (Ref Para 10 of Prospectus – 2025).

(iii)        Fwd scanned copy/snapshot of filled and signed membership form along with id proof (scanned copy/snapshot of canteen card/service cert) or the membership form itself can be countersigned by the CO/Senior Staff Offr.

(iv)       E-mail membership form and identity proof, along with the address (where you require the study mtrl) to

(v)        USI Course Sec will provide Bank details for online payment (Membership plus course fees & postage).  Make NEFT tfr/online payment to the given USI Bank acct and fwd snapshot of tfr details by email to or See USI website scroll notice for payment link or QR Code available at Course Sec office in USI premises.

(vi)       Payments through Cheques/ Drafts are subject to realisation.

(vii)       On receipt of payment, regn will be done by USI and you will be intimated your Course Index No. Course mtrl will be desp to your given add/email by USI as per the schedule/policy.


     (b)   Existing Members.

(i)            Membership form or iden proof is not reqd.

(ii)           Apply to Director Courses, fwd requisite application for joining the courses/subjects by email on quoting your exiting valid USI Membership No.

(iii)          Course sec will provide Bank details for online payment (only for course fees). Payment can be made as explained  above OR see payment link on USI Website scroll notice OR QR Code at Course Section office in USI Premises.

(iv)          Cheques / Drafts are subject to realisation.


14.       On receipt of payment, regn will be made and you will be intimated your Course Index No. Course mtrl as relevant will be desp to your given add/email by the USI as per schedule.



Withdrawals / Change of OPSC Capsule.



15.       First and Foremost, Please check and ensure your eligibility (as per your service condition) for a particular course.


16.       Withdrawal from a course is NOT normally permitted.  However, in case of Corres Course, if during the first two months of the commencement of the course, a student is unable to continue the course, either due to major health issues / exigencies of service or circumstances beyond his/her control, the withdrawal request may be considered, on a case to case basis.  In such cases, the student will be required to: -

     (a)      Make an application giving detailed reasons for withdrawal from the course.  

     (b)     Return all the study material issued to him/her.

   (c)     Pay actual expenses incurred by USI.  This amount will be decided by the USI in       each     case. The decision of USI will be final.


17.       In the event of a student’s withdrawal from a course, Entrance and Membership fee will not be refunded.  After deducting appropriate amt as per sub para (c) above and after receipt back of the study material, the balance may be refunded, at the discretion of USI of India.


18.       In case the course is cancelled due to any reason, only tuition/exam fee will be refunded to the extent decided by USI.



19.       Withdrawal / Change of OPSC Capsule.  OPSC is an ARTRAC endorsed Course and involves a lot of coord. Pl plan in adv and avoid withdrawal/change. Such request may be considered  based on above procedure on a case to case basis. For change of OPSC Capsule, the request must be fwd 14 days in adv of start of a capsule.


Course Study Material

20.       The course material issued to officers is the copyright of USI of India, New Delhi. Its reproduction by any means and/or further proliferation/sharing with to/with others under any condition is prohibited. It is issued to individual officers only for their personal use, who are responsible for its security.  Sharing with others who have not registered with USI for that course, amounts to Unfair Practice. The Precis will be watermarked with Index Nos to fix accountability in case of any proliferation.

21.       Some of the material issued may be classified in nature and the officers to whom it is issued, are personally responsible for its safe custody as laid down in security orders applicable in the Def Services.

22.       The course material will not be supplied to any officer on the membership of another officer.


23.       The course material will cover the entire syllabus of the course in easy to understand form.  Care will be taken not to increase the info overload of officers by duplicating material already issued to the officers by Exam Sec ARTRAC. The suggested answers will be in the form of model answers adhering to the required word limit and following the principle of being ‘Clear, Concise and Logical’. Current Affairs will cover topics approx a month prior to the exam. The course material is NOT for issue to units/formations/institutions/libraries, as it is to guide the individual officers in improving his/her specific performance.


24. Most of the study material will be issued as hard copies, and some in soft copies for speedy delivery, depending on the security value of the course material and prevailing disturbed sit, if any.

Misc Instrs


25.       Detailed general instrs and pgme of wk will be issued to the students at the commencement of each course.  Officers who join a course and become life members of USI are sent a letter of welcome that contains details of all the facilities offered by USI to its members.


26.       It has been experienced in the past that course material sent to students, especially those attending Courses of Instructions in training establishments get misplaced at times. Therefore, on course students are advised to contact the local postal auth and avoid loss.  In case it is desired that the material be sent by registered post an additional sum of Rs 300/- will be reqd to be remitted to cover the cost of postage. Study Material may also be obtained by speed post on payment of Rs 600/- for the entire Course.


27.       All correspondence with USI must be done directly by the officers and not through respective units and/or Relatives.


28.       While in Delhi, officers may visit USI and interact with the Dir Courses/DS Coord for any assistance/guidance related to courses.


29.       Visiting hours to USI are from 1130-1230 hrs and 1400-1545 hrs, Monday to Friday (except Wednesday and gazetted holidays).


30. Army Officers attending DSSC USI OPSC and the entire USI DSSC Correspondence Course will be allowed to attend one Contact Programme without fees ONLINE along with Study Material.



31.       Loc Add                                                                                  Postal Add

            USI Complex                                                                            Director Courses

            Opposite Signals Enclave and DGIS -                                      USI of India

            Adjacent to AWWA Hostel                                                          Post Bag No 8            

            Shankar Vihar Road)                                                                Vasant Vihar PO,

            Rao Tula Ram Marg, Delhi Cantt – 110 010                            New Delhi– 110057

Tele / Email

Director Course – 011-2086 2325 (Direct)
Course Section – 011-2086 2320, 2086 2321, 2086 2314 Extn – 208 (DS Coord), 210 (Supdt Course Sec)
Fax: 011-2086 2324
Mob. No. :
8447961959, 9315601332   (Task Clk) -  1000 - 1600 hrs