

The Armed Forces leadership of today demands a quality of professionalism that can only come with education and informed opinion on various aspects of national security, international relations, defence strategy, management of the economy of the country, social issues, internal security problems, and appropriate interaction with other sections of society in the country at various levels. The Charter builds on the initial founding aim of “furtherance of interest and knowledge in the art, science and literature of the defence services”, and is as follows :-

  1. 1. The maintenance of a reference and lending library, containing works of professional interest, and a reading room with a wide range of periodicals.
    The publication of a quarterly journal and papers on topics related to National Security.
  2. 2. The custody of pictures, medals, trophies or any other item relating to the Defence Services presented to or purchased by the Institution.
  3. 3. The organising of lectures, discussions, seminars, conferences and courses of instruction, including correspondence courses, relating to the Defence Services and National Security.
  4. 4. Other activities which promote the object of the Institution, such as research studies. Three centres have been set up under the aegis of the Institution. One for strategic studies and simulation on issues of national and international security, a second for Armed Forces Historical Research, and a third for United Nations Peacekeeping.
  5. 5. Maintaining close touch with other bodies pursuing similar or allied aims.