The following books were published during the year: -
- a) “Laddie Goes to War: Indian Pilots in World War I” by Mr Somnath Sapru, Vij Books India Pvt. Ltd.
- b) “A Brief History of the USI’ by Col VK Singh, VSM (Retd), Vij Books India Pvt Ltd.
- c) “With Honour and Glory – Five Great Artillery Battles” by Maj Gen AJS Sandhu, VSM (Retd), USI, 2020
- d) “Vignettes from a Military Journal: Selections from the Journal of the United Service Institution of India 1870-2020”
- (tentative title) edited by Sqn Ldr Rana Chhina (Retd), Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
- a) Article by Secy CMHCS titled ‘A Road for China’ and ‘The Hump and Training to Nationalist China’ were published in the special
- issue of The Week magazine, 24 July 2020.
- b) Article by Mr Adil Chhina, ‘MindHunters : A Propoganda War to Capture the Hearts and Minds of Enemy Soldiers’ was published in
- the special issue of The Week magazine, 24 July 2020.
- c) Secy CMHCS wrote a blurb for the book titled ‘The Evolution of Military Law in India: Including the Mutiny Acts and Articles of War’
- by Wing Cdr UC Jha (Retd).
- d) Secy CMHCS wrote the foreword for the book ‘La Tigre Sulla Linea Gustav: 1943’ (The Tiger on the Gustav Line: 1943) by
- Saverio Malatesta, an Italian Researcher.
- e) Secy CMHCS reviewed the book Allahu Akbar: Understanding the Great Mughal in Today's India byMr Manimugdha Sharma for the
- USI Journal.
- f) Secy CMHCS presented comments on ‘Sites Associated with Memories of Recent Conflicts and The World Heritage Convention’ for
- the ICOMOS Second Discussion Paper to UNESCO.
- g) Article by Secy CMHCS titled ‘The Indian Technical and Folowers Corps, Royal Air Force’ was published in the winter issue of
- the Durbar (Journal of the Indian Military Historical Society,UK)
- h) Article by Mr Adil Chhina titled ‘The Last Stand of Abu-sil-Sillah and his gallant Dogras’ was published in the winter issue of
- the Durbar (Journal of the Indian Military Historical Society, UK)
- a) Maharana Pratap Chair (2020-21): History of Hong Kong Singapore Royal Artillery by Col Mandeep Singh (Retd)
- b) Chhatrapati Shivaji Chair (2020-21): Military Biography of the Late Lt Gen Jaswant Singh, PVSM, AVSM** by
- Maj Gen Ardaman Jit Singh Sandhu, VSM (Retd).
- c) Maharana Pratap Chair (2015-16): Indo-Pak Air War of Dec 1971 – Air Mshl Vikram Singh, VSM
- d) Maharana Pratap Chair (2018-19): Remembrance, Memorialization, Commemoration and War Memorial in Post-independence
- India by Maj Gen Hemant Kr Singh (Retd)
- e) USI-NAM British-Indian Military Heritage Partnership: Shoulder Titles of the Indian Army 1885-1947 by Sqn Ldr RTS Chhina (Retd)
- and Tony McClenaghan
- f) USI-NAM British-Indian Military Heritage Partnership: Buttons of the Indian Army 1800-1947 by Mr Adil Chhina and
- Tony McClenaghan.
- g) Military Biography of the Late Lt Gen Jaswant Singh, PVSM, AVSM** - Maj Gen Ardaman Jit Singh Sandhu, VSM (Retd).
- h) History of Indian Air Defence Artillery 1940-45 - Col Mandeep Singh (Retd).
- i) Customs and Traditions of the Indian Armed Forces – Brig SP Sinha, VSM (Retd).
- j) Alha-Udal Ballad Rendition of Western UP – Dr Amit Pathak.
- k) Indo-Pak Air War of Dec 1971 – Air Cmde Vikram Singh, VSM.
- l) Jat Regiment History Post 1971 – Lt Gen KK Khanna, PVSM, AVSM & Bar (Retd).
- m) Famous Arty Battles – Maj Gen AJS Sandhu, VSM (Retd).
- n) Remembrance, Memorialization, Commemoration and War Memorial in Post-independence India – Maj Gen Hemant Kr Singh (Retd).
- o) Research on the 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak Conflicts for two publications ‘1965: Western Sunrise’ and ‘1971: An Eastern Blitzkrieg’ –
- Mr Shiv Kunal Verma.