The USI Centre for Strategic Studies and Simulation (CS3) was established on 01 January 2005. Earlier, USI had a Centre for Research which was established in 1995, however, now its resources stand merged with the new CS3. The new Centre aims at conducting comprehensive enquiry, research and analyses on national and international security issues, and gaming and simulation of strategic scenarios, to evolve options for wider discussion and considerations.
To undertake research in strategic and military affairs and conduct scenario based strategic games.
To conduct strategic studies on Comprehensive National Power (CNP), Comprehensive National Security (CNS), Military Affairs and multi-domain warfare.
Undertake strategic Net-Assessment projects for the policy-makers NSCS, MoD, DRDO, HQIDS, MEA, MHA or any other sponsor.
Conduct scenario based strategic games for premium Military, Civil Services and Academic Institutions.
Conduct international/ national seminars, workshops, round table discussions and lectures on strategic security issues.
Undertake track 1.5/ track 2 level interactions with foreign think-tanks.
Conduct tailor-made capsules on strategic & security issues for the armed forces, diplomats, police officials, civil servants, scholars and university students.
Conduct internship programmes for university students and youth leaders from India and abroad.
Collaborate with Indian and foreign think-tanks in undertaking joint research.
Publish books, ‘Annual Strategic Year Book’, Monographs, Occasional Papers, Policy Papers and articles for the USI digital magazine ‘Strategic Perspective’.