The USI-CETANB is an initiative that seeks to bridge the gap between the domestic defence sector (MSMEs) and the three services (Army, Navy and Air Force) by providing them with a platform to communicate and build, make self-reliance a reality on the postulates of trust, partnership and growth.
USI-CETANB intends to work with industrial partners with the highest levels of ethics, trust and confidentiality since its members have been part of the Indian Armed Forces and other government agencies, having served the nation with utmost sincerity.
The Functional Model
· The USI of India has established its USI-CETANB (USI- Centre for Emerging Technology for Atma Nirbhar Bharat ) to address the issue. The model on which it works is outlined below:
· The collaboration with the MoD and the domestic defence industry will be based on trust and confidentiality, with no undue publicity.
When required, clear air gaps will be ensured between stakeholders.
· Work on identifying requirements/problems; understand domestic capacities and capabilities; gaps and weak links in the functional
process and recommend remedial action to individual stakeholders.
· Educate MSMEs and provide guidance from experienced practitioners.
· Provide decision-making bodies with a clear picture of domestic realities and feasibilities.
· Austerity will be observed, and meetings made purposeful with defined outcomes.
· Specified consultancies may be hired by the USI of India on requirement basis.
The Working Methodology
· One-on-one meetings with private industry to provide guidance and coordination with DPSUs and newly constituted seven segments of Ordnance Factories.
· Roundtables with policymakers and stakeholders of ongoing projects, including officers of MoD, Line Directorates, decision-makers on finance matters etc.
· Interactions with Foreign DAs to identify export opportunities.
· Interactions with Indian DAs prior to proceeding on assignment and during specific visits back to India.
· Coordination with relevant ministries other than MoD and other facilitators as per requirement.
· Interaction on R&D issues with DRDO
· Use the experience of specific subject matter experts of USI and other organisations, industry associations, academia, veterans etc.
· Subsequently, building a database for utilisation by relevant stakeholders, partly open-sourced and partly of industry-confidential nature.