
Title Authors Journal Issue Vol./No. Pg. No. PDF View
Outline of A Scheme for Raising a Baluch Regiment. Maj JAH Pollock, October 1892-December-1892 XXI/100 626 View
The Magazine Rifles of European Armies, and their Effect, In Combination with Smokeless Powder, upon Lt Col HV Cox, July 1892-September-1892 XXI/95 269 View
The Most Effective Tactical Use Which Can Be Made On A modern Battle Field of Light Entrenching Tool Capt WD Thomson, July 1892-September-1892 XXI/95 291 View
The Most Effective Tactical Use Which Can Be Made On A modern Battle Field of Light Entrenching Tool Maj WD Thomson, Maj GD Stawell, July 1892-September-1892 XXI 291 View
System of Orthography for Native Names of Places. (As approved by Royal Geographical Society on 11 D Not Available, July 1892-September-1892 XXI/95 345 View
System of Orthography for Native Names of Places. (As approved by Royal Geographical Society on 11 D Intelligence Division, July 1892-September-1892 XXI 345 View
Cutting From Russian Newspapers. (Intelligence Division). Not Available, July 1892-September-1892 XXI/95 349 View
Cutting From Russian Newspapers. Intelligence Division, July 1892-September-1892 XXI 349 View
On Repairing and Constructing War Railways. (Talk at USI on 25 Aug 1892, In Chair - Maj Gen GELS San Mr JR Bell, July 1892-September-1892 XXI/96 353 View
The Most Effective Tactical Use that Can be Made of Signalling On A Modern Battle Field. Capt EOF Hamilton, July 1892-September-1892 XXI/96 369 View