
Price : NULL
Author : Col S C Tyagi,

Force Multiplier effect of the Fourth Estate during Kargil conflict focuses on vital importance of enhanced synergy between the media and the military. Examination of their respective functional aspects. analysis of traditional military stance and apprehensions of the media lead to the current status of media-military relationship and the resultant environment. Thus, it is pertinent to know what both parties want from each other; areas of differences and common grounds and efforts required for a symbiotic relationship. Advancement and convergence in technology made 'live' viewing of Kargil battles in drawing rooms possible and media performed without any dry run, often with young and raw journalists. Distance from the border to hinterland in India disappeared and the country stood united in resolve and action. Can this success story of 'shaping up of the battlefield environment in Kargil' through multiples of media and the military be replicated elsewhere in future? What needs to be done? The book attempts to provide answers to some of the questions and suggests guidelines for future operations.
