
Key Takeaways

· By virtue of its reach, affordable, and non-attributable nature, social media has emerged as a critical tool, capable of providing a decisive advantage in navigating the intricate landscape of global politics. Beyond the physical boundaries, social media extends its impact to the diaspora, shaping opinions, mobilising populations, and affecting cultural ties. This establishes social media as a key player in hybrid warfare strategies that aim to target a nation's identity and unity. The digital innovation has a credible capability to play an important role in all types of war and competitions viz., hybrid warfare, grey zone warfare, and even in multi-domain warfare. In this context, it is imperative to develop a tacit understanding of multi-domain warfare, grey zone warfare, and hybrid warfare; warfighting concepts that are evolving and defining future .

Opening Remarks by Maj Gen RS Yadav, VSM (Retd), Director CS3

· In the backdrop of a hybrid warfare scenario, negotiating the challenges arising from misinformation, narrative building, social engineering and authoritarian suppression of democratic protests & freedom of speech is a complex and tall-order task. Consequent to weaponisation of information, a thorough assessment of the perceived threats of social media warfare is necessary to discern the likely patterns and strategies of adversarial forces such as fake news, propaganda, echo chambers, and confirmation biases. The emergence of generative Artificial Intelligence and deep fakes has added a dangerous dimension to the security scenario. Understanding how to safeguard the nation's interests and values becomes essential in the context of countering information threats and developing effective counter-strategies and policies to mitigate the pervasive impact of social media in hybrid warfare scenarios. 

Presentation by Col Dheeraj Kumar, Senior Research Fellow, CS3

·    The Indian Government must develop a homogenous, coordinated response across departments and stakeholders, ensuring clarity and resilience. The established criteria for information integrity should serve as the foundational framework for early warning monitoring and initial risk assessments. Engaging in warfare is a political endeavour, employing coercion or force to achieve political objectives such as regime change or revolution. One revolutionary aspect is subversion, often geographically sporadic. When conducted opportunistically, it can violate the de-facto sovereignty of the target, as exemplified by the Arab Spring .

Closing Remarks by Maj Gen RS Yadav, VSM (Retd), Director CS3

·         Initiating this process entails the formulation of rules that uphold journalistic standards, along with developing cross-sector norms and standards to ensure information integrity and effectively address disinformation. This comprehensive roadmap aims to guide democracies in safeguarding the world in times of hybrid warfare.

Report By – Dalvi Sethi, Research Intern, CS3
