We endeavour to keep costs to students at the lowest possible level despite constantly escalating input costs. However to get full value, officers need to register for the courses / attempt all papers and have these corrected at the USI. If this is done for all papers there will be a constant improvement, which would surely help passing of exams. Some course fees for 2025 stands revised (See Fee Structure in Prospectus).
1. Registration. The registration will be on First come First Serve basis. First 200 officers registered will be given freedom to choose any capsule. Others will be adjusted in capsules as per choice if possible / available capacities. The regns will not be Comd specific but open for the entire DSSC aspirants of the Army, irrespective of loc. Regn for OPSC opens from 07 Oct 2024 for OPSC 2025. Course fees for OPSC are as under :-
(a) All three subjects - Rs 8000/- (7000 OPSC fees + *1500 USI one year Course membership fees).
(b) Two Subjects - Rs 6000/- (4500 OPSC fees + *1500 USI one year Course membership fees).
(c) One Subject - Rs 4000/- (2500 OPSC fees + *1500 USI one year Course membership fees).
(* Rs 1500/- One time Course Membership fee for a yr, if no other USI courses have been subscribed during that yr or not a Life / Ordinary USI member.)
(a) Mock Test & Guidance/Discussion 7000/- + 1500*/-
(b) Only material for CP 3500/- 1500*/-
(* Rs 1500/- One time Course Membership fee for a yr, if no other USI courses have been subscribed during that yr or not a Life / Ordinary USI member.)
- Procedure for IAF DSSC Entrance Exam - 2025. The officers of the IAF appearing for the DSSC Competitive Exam being held by IAF are welcome to join the USI Courses offline /online for the two subjects of Current Affairs - National Security and Geo-Politics (CA) and Mil History and Emp of Air Power (MH). Methodology of conduct would be same as for Army officers i.e. OPSC & Correspondence mode for CA and Correspondence Mode for MH, incl provision of appropriate Study material both for CA & MH. However, since Question & Answer models are different, fee structure would be as under: -
(a) Correspondence Course.
(i) CA - Rs 3000/-
(ii) MH - Rs 3000/-
(b) Online Course - Rs 4000/- (CA only along with Army officer’s OPSC CA leg)
(c) Postal Charges - (i) Normal Post - Nil
(ii) Rs 300/- (Registered Post) or Rs 600/- (Speed Post) extra.
(d) One Year USI Course Membership fee - Rs 1500*/-
(* Rs 1500/- One time Course Membership fee for a yr, if no other USI courses have been subscribed during that yr or not a Life / Ordinary USI member.)